Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Tried enrolling at Bonn Uni today. Emphasis on tried. Ahha what a palava, luckily I had Jula with me, but basically we went to the wrong floor at first and was sent upstairs after waiting an hour and then told they can't accept me as a Fremdsprachassistentin and must go to the International Office. Eeee, nothings simple.

Emailed lots of people about flats today, so hopefully I'll get a reply!

I have Thursday and Friday off this week :D because there is a staff excursion on Thursday which I am not taking part in and then on Friday there is a sponsored walk, I believe. I might go depending on whether they need me or not.

Been at school a few days now and everyone is lovely, but it is still scary. I went to a 5. Klasse Mathe lesson yesterday, which was fun. The little ones are so cute and very intrigued about me. The 9. Klasse are fun too. The 13. Klasse is a bit different because I am such a similar age, I feel as if I should be a pupil with them rather than a teaching aid... That's definitely going to take some getting used to! I have my own place in the staffroom now and also received my username and password after 1 day; there are staff that have been waiting over a year for a password and I got mine before them ahahah ooops! I think I may have left the paper that it was written on at the computer and then someone (hopefully) threw it away thinking it was rubbish, instead of stealing my details ahaha. Luckily I had memorised the information.

Etwas interessant?
  1. Totally got lost walking to the train station today! What should have taken 10mins took 30...hahaha ooops, JUST managed to get the train in time, I really thought I was going to miss it.
  2. People talk to you on the train, when they sit down they say Morgen or whatevers appropriate and then say bye! At least they have to me anyway XD
  3. German teenagers are very good at English
  4. Everyone wants to speak English to me, but I must practise German!
  5. I think my appetite is coming back, but I still cannot do breakfast at 7am.
  6. I think I've put on weight, wahhhhh. Not even eaten that much! Damn beer.
  7. I need a new watch; my keeps dying even though the battery is new! 
Things to do:
  • Enrol at Köln/Bonn Uni
  • Find somewhere to live
  • Contact Postbank and tell them my phone number is english so they need to add +44
  • Email PAD and ask for a letter allowing me to attend uni.
  • Pick lessons I want to join and help with
  • Speak more German!
  • Paint my nails
Ein paar Fotos:
 Kölner Dom


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